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Type by type / Full Pack


Digital Video Resource: A self-paced offering with pre-recorded video content, designed for independent learning at your own rhythm. Understanding the Human Design System begins with the foundation of Type. Without grasping the mechanics of Type, any depth of knowledge risks collapsing into confusion. Type governs how we interact with the world, influencing thoughts, feelings, and actions. Whether experiencing distortion through the Not-Self or alignment with one’s true nature, Type colors every aspect of life. Manifestors: Trailblazers of civilization, Manifestors embody the force of initiation. Their power lies in freedom and boundary-pushing, yet acceptance of their nature and informing others are key to living authentically. Rooted in the Lakshmi archetype, Manifestors carry the potential to impact and transform societal norms. Generators: As the lifeblood of humanity, Generators thrive through response. Their sacral energy fuels reproduction—not just biologically but existentially—powering satisfaction and transformation. Misalignment leads to frustration, while true satisfaction comes from flowing with life's natural rhythms. Projectors: Specialists in awareness, Projectors are designed to guide. Their success emerges from deep receptivity and strategic wisdom. However, the journey to their signature of success requires breaking free from the bitterness of misaligned pursuits and embracing their unique way of interacting with life. Reflectors: Reflecting humanity's collective potential, Reflectors are attuned to the environment and the lunar cycle. Their openness offers clarity on what it means to be human, with their signature surprise stemming from encounters with the truly unexpected and unique. This course delves into the depths of each Type, providing tools for self-awareness and transformation, ensuring that everyone can explore their design's full potential.







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