Digital Multimedia Resource: A self-paced offering with pre-recorded video, audio, and slides, designed for independent learning at your own rhythm. The 12 cusp gates that bridge the astrological signs in the Rave Mandala have a very significant position in the Rave Body Graph, and each of them reveals so much about the apparent contradictions in astrology when it correlates subsequent zodiacal signs to the specific human characteristics that it attributes to each astrological sign. As an example, the theme of limitation has always been attributed to the two zodiacal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, and when you look at gate 60 – Limitation – in the Rave Mandala you find that it stands exactly at the end of Capricorn and the beginning of Aquarius. For those who have interest in the deep relationship between the Human Design System and Astrology, this lecture is a jewel in bridging the truth of both systems. It was produced live in Toronto in the spring of 2010 as part of the yearly international event organized by Ra Uru Hu.