Digital Multimedia Resource: A self-paced offering with pre-recorded audio and video content, designed for independent learning at your own rhythm. The 3 centers of awareness are to be found between the two pressure centers and the Throat Center where things can be manifested. The purpose of that mechanical layout is simple and clear. Awareness is there to process and learn to regulate the pressures of life in ways that make us feel secure (Spleen), that allow us to communicate with clarity about the circumstances of our life (Ajna) and that we remain sensitive enough to recognize that we are not the only ones living under pressure (Solar Plexus). 22 out of the 36 channels that the Rave Body Graph is made of are projected mechanics that are specifically designed to contribute to our cognitive potential, which speaks mountains about the yet unexplored potential of the Projector Type when properly aligned with the limitation of being born a so called Non-energy type. Awareness is about ‘presence’, not necessarily action.