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IHDS - Ascendancy of the Projector


Digital Audio Resource: A self-paced offering with pre-recorded audio content and slides, designed for independent learning at your own rhythm. Despite the time that Human Design has already been expanding in the world, there is still a rather poor understanding of the Projector type. Most Human Design students still deal with difficulty when they have to explain what the ‘good side’ is in being a Non-Energy Type. Very few actually understand that from a mechanical point of view, Non-Energy is synonymous to awareness. The purpose of being a Projector lies in the potential refinement of whatever form of awareness they carry as Definition in their individual design. It is never easy and can oftentimes represent a very challenging process. The focus of this self-study course is on the potential influence that each of the 22 projected channels can have as an initiator and guide when they are properly represented through the correctness of Strategy and Authority. It was originally taught in the IHDS by Alokanand Diaz in 2008. Listen to Alokanand Diaz deconstruct the mechanics of the potential for awareness that is inherent to our human form, and filter it all through his personal experience of living surrounded by projectors of all kinds in his personal life.







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