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Living By Your Own Authority in the Daily Life - Ibizalok 2019


Digital Audio Resource: A self-paced offering with pre-recorded audio content and slides designed for independent learning at your own rhythm. "Human Design is for correct decision-making." Ra's realization of this practical purpose simplified what once seemed like an intellectually complex system. Despite 20 years of growing knowledge, its core remains: learning to trust your body’s inner authority to make decisions beyond the conditioned mind's fears and attachments. The mind is deceptive, often pulling us back into identifying with what we are not. To resist its pressures, we must recognize and rely on our inner authority. In this course, I deconstruct all channels that influence inner authority, uncovering their themes and guiding you toward surrendering to passenger consciousness—where self-mastery and clarity reside. To make this exploration accessible, I’m offering it at a reduced fee. Join me to experience how Human Design’s organic logic transforms decision-making and aligns perception with your form’s unique limitations and potential.

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