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The Mystical Pathway


INDIVIDUAL KNOWING, SPIRIT AND THE MYSTICAL WAY in this course, I will share my own synthesis of the depth that has accumulated in my 31 years of professional dedication to research the human condition through the system. I will present the structure that makes mystical sensitivity appear to be something rather natural and common amongst most human beings, no matter that in most cases it will only manifest through an irrational relationship with some kind of godhead, underneath which their personality looks for psychological refuge. I explain the ways in which this individual sensitivity has been misled through conditioning to live trapped in the psychological dysfunction of a misfitting nature that lives in war with whatever sense they have of ‘normality’. This alone should make for an interesting journey to take for anyone that is interested in these matters. I will elaborate on the recognition of the evolutionary mechanics that have made us humans yearn and dream about the human ‘Spirit’ since the beginning of time, which sarcastically are the same mechanisms that made it impossible for the ‘Spirit’ to ever manifest in real time in any of the many human civilizations that we have left behind. I will share this too, with my understanding deeply resting on what the inherent mechanics of the Rave Body Graph and the Rave Mandala reveal in an unquestionable way. Finally, I will also introduce the themes and mechanics inherent to the ‘Mystical Way’ as I was once introduced to it by Ra Uru Hu himself, which explains how human mystical sensitivity never was about believing blindly in anything, but rather a unique predisposition, within each and all of us, to consciously recognize the inherent relationship between ‘who we think we are for ourselves’ and the role that we were given by nature, as a unique version of a common potential; being a unique human that is fulfilled with the inherent purpose of his/her daily presence in the world.

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