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Type by Type: 04. Human Suffering and the Heart Center


Digital Multimedia Resource: A self-paced offering with pre-recorded audio and video content, designed for independent learning at your own rhythm. Willpower is the ‘reason’ why everyone is capable of acting and communicating like a fake Manifestor, because believing in ‘Free Will’ is nothing but a mentally conditioned ‘choice’ to approach life as if you were one. Only Manifestors seem to know that there is no such thing as ‘Free Will’, which makes it really hard for those that have a defined Heart Center while belonging to a different type. You see, it is insultingly simple to recognize that ‘Willpower’ was never ‘free’, because it is driven by need, and need is not something that you can choose to have or not have when it comes, because need is physical. Now, the 65% of human beings that have an open Heart Center in their design are going to use their pretended free will to manipulate the natural needs of their physical vehicle, interfering with in every possible way at the most basic level. Watch Alokanand Díaz reveal the absolute supremacy of body over mind inspired in this most fundamental mechanic of the energy that runs through the Heart Center, and be liberated from the burden of the greatest lie humanity has ever told itself about itself; that there is any difference between altruism and egoism, when indeed they are the two sides of the same coin.

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