DECODE YOUR OWN DESIGN Anger, Frustration, Bitterness and Disappointment are four homogenized emotions that poison the individual human Spirit if not properly managed. Transform your approach to life by recognizing the ways in which your rational mind feeds your emotional identification with a conditioned and distorted sense of self. SELF-MASTERY STARTS AT THE SURFACE Participation in my video-course ‘Decode Your Own Design’ offers you the necessary solid foundation to be able to look at any aspect of the Rave Body Graph and know exactly what it represents in our human nature and how it impacts on everybody’s everyday experience. In applying this understanding to your own design and that of the people in your life, you will be sufficiently equipped to recognize the human helplessness that is behind all the drama and comedy of your own life. From this mechanical perspective that is free from shame and blame, your spirit can be ready to take your deconditioning process into your own hands, and win in the battle against the mental habits and attitudes that have always fueled your distortion. LIVE QUESTION & ANSWER SESSIONS In addition, as this video-course is a world premiere in times in which the Human Design System is spreading worldwide like wildfire, I want to make sure that the information, particularly at this fundamental level, is being received and absorbed correctly by the participants. For this purpose, I will include live Q&A sessions in which the participants can share their questions in live interaction with me, to which I will reply using their individual design as an example to back up my explanations. In order to benefit fully from the way this program has been designed, there are three steps to be followed. First watch the six already existing videos that serve as an introduction. Secondly, watch the lecture ‘The Nine Strategies of the Not-Self. . Finally, get ready for the weekly delivery of new videos until the series is complete.