I have wondered all of my life about what in hell makes such an intelligent species like ours so deeply unable to experience what we could call ‘happiness’ in the daily life, let alone to fulfill the potential of individual self-realization.
If this planet that we live on has always been called the ‘Planet of Suffering’ by the mystics of all times, it is mainly because of the poor quality of human interactivity in personal relationships. Throughout most of our history as a species, relationships were an expression of the fundamental genetic drive to blindly reproduce ourselves driven by the power of hormones, out of which emerges the naturally sustaining force of the social construct that we call ‘the family’, with its unavoidably homogenizing and frustrating roles that most human beings resent for the rest of their adult live.Not only do we resent those roles and the way they were imposed on us by our parents, siblings and relatives, but more excruciating is the fact that most of us cannot avoid repeating those patterns and passing their conditioning on to our own children when the time for that comes.
The best part of it all is the fact that nobody is to blame for any of it, for it has always been something that has programmed human behavior by exploiting the bottomless ignorance and fear that we individually carry within our own ‘shadow’, particularly in regard to sex and love, that make us all only too eager to identify with dogmas of any kind. It truly is something that needs no further explanation since everybody knows the impact and distortion of having dysfunctional and unfulfilling relationships in their lives.Well, what’s left of you (who you think you are) when you hit that bottom line? You see, in Human Design knowing oneself is not the end of things, but just a consistent place of departure and return in the way your awareness interacts with the rest of the world. Knowing oneself and interacting with others based on the communication of that differentiated awareness is an entirely different movie that is not driven by the genetic imperative to reproduce and the perception of what seems to be ‘missing’ in you, but by an internal sense of purpose that emerges out of the correctness with which you live out the mechanical laws of your individual design.
You see, there is nothing ‘missing’ that is essential for the potential of developing a differentiated perception of life in anybody’s design. Everybody is born with a role, a nature, an evolutionary geometry and a given set of human characteristics. The problem has never been in what we are, but in the distorted and homogenized way that we learn to deal with the openness in our design, which is an expression of everything that ‘we are not’. Hence, unless you live out your design correctly, the lack of individual fulfillment is the only thing that our relationships can mirror back at us. Blaming anyone for this is just another manifestation of our programmed spiritual blindness. We seem to be too smart for happiness, too smart even to be minimally self-aware.
From this perspective, every connection you make to the world outside is just a reflection of something that is happening inside of you. In other words, through aware interaction with others, you empower yourself in becoming more and more aware of your own nature, role and individual geometry. This is then your only way to measure which connections bring you closer to your true self, and which connections keep you attached to your Not-Self dynamics, something that each of us has to be able to see for oneself.
In this lecture I show you examples that will allow participants to become aware of that difference within themselves in their own lives
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