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IHDS - Polarities
  • A comprehensive self-study course in audio by Alokanand Díaz about the  32 Polarities of the Rave Mandala.
  • 7 sessions.
  • Integrated audio player and downloadable audio files / slides in PDF.


When you can understand the relationship between any two gates of a Polarity, the purpose and potential of any incarnation cross is immediately revealed beyond its name and generalized explanation.

In coming to grips with the structure of the Rave Body Graph students are taught to identify gates by the position they are located in as an aspect of a channel, a stream of awareness or simply a specific attribute of a particular circuitry. This self-study course is the first step in taking the understanding of gates a whole step further, namely into its relationship to each other through the Rave Mandala.

The most important relationship that any gate has in the Rave Mandala is to the gate that is its opposite in the wheel. This is what we call a Polarity, and any two gates involved in any of the 32 polarities that exist form a thematic axis that will become an integrated part of a specific incarnation cross.

When you can understand the relationship between any two gates of a Polarity, the purpose and potential of any incarnation cross is immediately revealed beyond its name and generalized explanation. You will learn to feel the two thematic axis that come together to form any of the major right and left angle crosses.

Listen to Alokanand Diaz unveil to you the thematic sequence of the 64 gates around the wheel through the simplifying structure of the 32 polarities contained within the structure of the Rave Mandala.

IHDS - Polarities

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