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The Penta Course

Learning how to recognise the impact of small groups in your daily life

The Penta Pathway is the raising of an alarm that should put anybody’s consciousness on alert every time they interact with others in a small group environment (3 to 5 people), which is the place where one reproduces the same interpretation of ‘Roles & Rules’ that one experienced in the family environment during the first seven years of life.

Prerequisite: The Living Your Design Pathway (or a LYD course with some other officially certified teacher)
Duration: 3 months


Love is often measured by self-sacrifice, reinforcing Earth's identity as a "planet of suffering." This is driven by the Penta, a force that influences group consciousness and keeps individuals tied to homogenized Karma. Alone, we experience a unique sense of "I am," but in groups, our individual truths are overshadowed by a collective "We," leading to emotional suppression.

Children are conditioned by family life, where truth becomes a dogma and love a moral duty. This conditioning, reinforced by societal norms, narrows our perspective on individuality. The parental role, driven by the genetic imperative, further enforces homogenization.

This conditioning affects everyone, regardless of background. Those with strong Penta definitions may deeply identify with group norms, viewing self-sacrifice as virtuous and perpetuating these beliefs to future generations. However, by understanding these dynamics, individuals can transcend them, engaging with groups on their own terms while maintaining their unique identity.

Alokanand Díaz

The Penta Course

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